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Day 3 - Year 12

13th October 2020

Webinar on ‘The beauty of Calculus’

Presenters: Amer, Chanuda and Minseo

Yr 12 Biology students were taken through a fun ride on the least expected topic – application of Calculus in Medicine and related fields. The presentation was divided into three parts:

  • Calculus in Cardiology and Orthopedics

  • Calculus in Epidemiology and

  • Calculus in Pulmonology and Neurology

Presenters provided a large scale application of calculus along with a demo question in each branch. Students received a fairly good picture of implementation of Calculus in Epidemiology and how it is used to foresee any speculation of any current disease, they were able to comprehend this by analysing various examples including the SIR Epidemic model. Furthermore, the different branches of Medicine using Trigonometry were also discussed, these include fields such as Cardiology, Neurology and Orthopedics. This was an interactive and informative session and students were amazed to learn that they will be applying their Mathematical knowledge throughout life no matter what road they choose to take.

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