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Day 2- Year 8

October 12th 2020

The students of year 8 had a good start on day 2 of the Maths week with activities making

effective use of various ICT tools to create mathematical quizzes. Students used the ICT tools to create some games linking it to Maths. Kytie, Sahana and Maria of 8J created a math game using an app. Ayah of 8C came up with a small write up expressing the importance of maths in Arabic, thereby establishing a cross curricular link between Maths and Arabic. Aaron, Dhruv and Sia of 8E created an Software application which highlighted the important facts of Maths. Omkar of 8E developed a website and reolicated his ideas in the Design Thinking Process module. Joshika, Aditi and Manaal came up with an interesting activity called chain of math. Minecraft was designed by 8F students. Quizzes on algebra was created by Pabara of 8F.

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